const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_IDEA_SEARCH = 0x0003; // HELP: Search main menu.
If you decide you don't want to select a new path, select the previous path again or press the Window button <F2> to cycle to another window.
Press <F1> again for more help.
Press ESC to close this help window.
HELP: Content Path
Content displays a title list of the articles or multimedia items on the M.O.S.T. disc.
If the database contains sounds, pictures or tables, a group of radio buttons allows you to select the type of list you want.
To find a specific item, type a title in the text entry box and press ENTER.
When you perform a Content search, the program looks for a title that begins with your search request. If there is no matching title, the list displays the title that would follow your entry in alphabetical order.
If you search on the same text a second time, the search will continue from the point where it left off. For example, let's say you searched for "apple" and the list displayed "Arizona." This means that there is no title that begins with "apple," and "Arizona" is the next available title in alphabetical order. If you activate the text entry box and press ENTER again, the search will go to the title that follows "Arizona" in alphabetical order. The search process has already moved beyond "apple," beginning its new search at "A-r-i-z-o-n-a."
To browse through the titles, use the Field button <F3> or TAB to activate the article list and press the cursor keys to scroll through the titles. Press PG UP, PG DN, HOME and END to move through the list quickly.
If a title is too long to fit in the list field, press the right arrow to move the additional text into view. Press the left arrow to return to the left edge of the title list. The scrolled title will automatically return to the left margin when you scroll to another title.
When you find an article you want to see, highlight its title and press ENTER.
Press <F1> again for more help.
Press ESC to close this help window.
HELP: Search Path#
Search lets you type a word or phrase to find related information on the disc.
At the text entry field, type one or more words, then press ENTER.
The program will search for other forms of your words. For example, a search on the PathS
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_TOUR = 0x0004; // HELP: Tour PathX
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_PICTURE_VIEWER = 0x0006; // HELP: word "dog" will list articles that contain the word "dogs." The search function disregards common words such as "a," "do," "no," and "which."
If your search request is more than one word, the search might ask if the words form a phrase. Press ENTER if you want the search to find articles in which the words appear together. Press ESC if you want the search to find articles in which any of words appear, separately or together.
When the search is done, articles related to your search request will be displayed in the article list.
To browse through the titles, use the Field button <F3> or TAB to activate the article list and press the cursor keys to scroll through the titles. Press PG UP, PG DN, HOME and END to move through the list quickly.
If a title is too long to fit in the list field, press the right arrow to move the additional text into view. Press the left arrow to return to the left edge of the title list. The scrolled title will automatically return to the left margin when you scroll to another title.
To go to an article, highlight its title and press ENTER. The article window will display the section of the article in which search words appear. Words that were matched to your search request will be highlighted.
Press <F1> again for more help.
Press ESC to close this help window.
HELP: Tour Path
The Tour path takes you on a tour through the pictures on the disc. Select a type of tour by highlighting the Manual or Automatic radio button.
The Manual tour displays a picture, then waits for you to press any letter key ("a" through "z") before displaying the next picture.
The Automatic tour displays a picture, pauses, then displays another picture. Set the length of the pause by changing the number below the radio buttons in the Tour window. The delay period does not start until the picture has completely displayed. Pressing any letter key pauses the automatic tour. Pressing any letter key when an automatic tour is paused will restart the automatic tour.
To begin the tour, highlight the Picture button and press ENTER.
To interrupt the tour to display a picture's caption, press ENTER when the picture is displayed.
To exit the tour, press ESC.
Press <F1> again for more help.
Press ESC to close this help window.
HELP: Article Window
The article window displays the article text and icons that lead you to related data.
To scroll through the text one line at a time, press the arrow keys.
To go to the next screen of text, press PG DN or +.
To return to the previous screen of text, press PG UP or -.
To go to the end of an article, press END or *.
To return to the beginning of an article, press HOME or /.
If the article contains an icon, select the icon and press ENTER to go to the related item.
To see a word's definition, select the word and press ENTER.
Press ESC to close the article window.
Closing an article window that was selected from an icon in another article will return you to the previous article. Many articles may be queued in this manner. An article queue created in this manner will exist until you close the first article or another article window is opened from an article or search results list.
Press <F1> again for more help.
Press ESC to close this help window.
HELP: Picture Window
The picture window can display pictures that are larger than the screen. You will hear a beep when the picture is completely displayed. You will hear two beeps if the picture is larger than the screen. If the pictuPicture WindowV
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_PICK_DB = 0x0009; /re is larger than the screen, press the arrow keys to move the remainder of the picture into view.
Press ENTER to see the picture caption. When the caption is on screen, select the Picture icon to return to the picture.
To close the picture window, press ESC.
The text at the top of the caption window describes the picture. Use the arrow keys, PG UP, PG DN, HOME, and END, or +, -, * and / to move through the caption text.
To see the definition of a word in the caption, use the Field key <F3> or TAB to activate caption box, select the word, and press ENTER.
To return to the picture window, select the Picture icon and press ENTER. If the picture caption was opened during a picture tour, the tour will resume.
Use the cursor key to select the Article icon and press ENTER to see the related article.
To close the caption window and stop the tour, press ESC.
Press <F1> again for more help.
Press ESC to close this help window.
HELP: Sound WindowN
The text at the top of the window describes the sound you are about to hear. Use the arrow keys, PG UP, PG DN, HOME, and END, or +, -, * and / to move through the text.
The horizontal scroll bar and the numbers around it display important information about the current sound recording.
The number to the left of the bar (0:00) represents the beginning of the recording.
The number to the right displays the length of the recording in minutes and seconds.
The number above the bar displays the current position in the recording (the amount of playing time that has elapsed). The position of the box in the scroll bar represents your relative position in the recording.
Select Play (the button with one arrow pointing to the right) and press ENTER to hear the recording.
Select Pause (the button with a square) and press ENTER to interrupt the recording. To resume playing the sound, select the Play button and press ENTER.
If you interrupted the recording and want to hear it again from the beginning, select Rewind (the button with two arrows pointing to the left) and press ENTER until you reach the beginning of the recording. Then select Play and press ENTER.
To move forward in the recording, select Fast Forward (the button with two arrows pointing to the right) and press ENTER until you reach the end of the recording.
Select the Rewind or Fast Forward button to move backward or forward through the recording.
To move in small steps, select Rewind or Fast Forward and press ENTER slowly. That is, press ENTER, then wait a second before pressing ENTER again. When you move slowly through the recording, the number above the bar shows a change of only a few seconds because you are moving in small steps.
To move quickly through the recording, select Rewind or Fast Forward and press ENTER a few times in rapid succession. When you press ENTER quickly, you move through the recording in increasingly large increments.
To close the sound window, press ESC.
Press <F1> again for more help.
Press ESC to close this help window.
HELP: Dictionary
To see the definition of a word in an article, help window, caption, or definition, use the cursor key to highlight the word and press ENTER. The dictionary window will appear, displaying the word's definition. If the word is not in the dictionary, the definition of the word closest to the search word in spelling will be displayed.
You can open the dictionary any time by pressing the Dict. button <F5>. Type a word in the text entry box and press ENTER.
To close the dictionary window, press ESC.
Press <F1> again for more help.
HELP: Select a Volume+
When you start using a multi-volume disc, you must select a volume to work with. Only one volume can be selected at one time. Selecting a different volume while another volume is open will automatically close all the open windows f/ HELP: Select a VolumeV
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_IF_PHRASE = 0xor the previous volume before the newly selected volume is opened.
To select a volume, use the cursor key to highlight it and press ENTER.
When you want to select a new volume, go to the main menu, select the Volume button and press ENTER.
Press <F1> again for more help.
Press ESC to close this help window.
HELP: Table Viewer
If the table is longer than the screen is high, you will see a vertical scroll bar on the right side of the window. Use the the arrow keys to scroll up and down the table one line at a time. Press the PG UP, PG DN, HOME and END keys to move quickly through the table. If the table is wider than the screen, you will see a horizontal scroll bar on the bottom of the screen. Use the left and right arrows to scroll the table horizontally.
To see the table caption, press ENTER. When the caption is on screen, select the Table icon and press ENTER to return to the table.
To close the table window and return to the previous screen, press ESC.
The text at the top of the caption window describes the table. Use the arrow keys, PG UP, PG DN, HOME, and END, or +, -, * and / to move through the caption text.
To see the definition of a word in the caption, use the Field key <F3> or TAB to activate caption box, select the word, and press ENTER.
To return to the table, select the Table icon and press ENTER.
Select the Article icon and press ENTER to see the related article.
To close the caption window, press ESC
Press <F1> again for more help.
Press ESC to close this help window.
HELP: Printing
To print the text of the current article or save it to a separate file, select the Print button and press ENTER. Then select the destination and press ENTER. To cancel this feature, select the Cancel Button or press ESC.
To cancel the print command after printing has begun, select Cancel and press ENTER.
Press <F1> again for more help.
Press ESC to close this help window.
HELP: Is This a Phrase?
The program needs to know if your search request should be treated as a phrase or as separate words.
Press ENTER to search for articles in which your search request appears exactly as you entered it.
Press ESC to search for000C; // HELP: Is This a Phrase?b
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_CORRECT_SPELLING = 0x000D; // HELP: Is Your Word Misspelled?`
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_DIFFERENT_WORD = 0x000E; // HELP: Your Word is Not Found\
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HE articles that contain one or more of your search words, separately or together.
Press <F1> again for more help.
Press ESC to close this help window.
HELP: Is Your Word Misspelled?
The program does not recognize your search word.
Enter an alternative spelling for your search word and press ENTER to resume the search.
Press <F1> again for more help.
Press ESC to close this help window.
HELP: Your Word is Not Found
Your search word does not appear in this volume.
Type a different word and press ENTER to continue the search.
Press <F1> again for more help.
Press ESC to close this help window.
HELP: Suggested Spelling
The program does not recognize your search word.
Select an alternative spelling for your search word and press ENTER to continue the search.
const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_GENERAL = 0x0011; // HELP: General He
HELP: Select an Unambiguous Word
Your search word is ambiguous.
Select an alternative word that is more specific than the one in your search request. Then press ENTER to continue the search.
Press <F1> again for more help.
Press ESC to close this help window.
HELP: General Help
To quit the program from any screen, press ALT and <F4> simultaneously.
If you have a mouse, double-click on the Close box in the upper left corner of the screen to quit the program.
To scroll through any text window, such as an article, dictionary or list window one line at a time, press the arrow keys.
To go to the next screen of text, press PG DN or +.
To return to the previous screen of text, press PG UP or -.
To go to the end of an article, press END or *.
To return to the beginning of an article, press HOME or /.
Press Help <F1> to access on-line help. Press <F1> again from the help screen to display General Help.
Press Window <F2> to cycle through the open windows.
Press Field <F3> or <Tab> to activate the next field in a window.
Press Main <F4> to go directly to the main menu.
Press Dict. <F5> to open the dictionary window.
If you have a mouse, a mouse cursor will appear in the center of the screen when the program is loaded. Use the mouse to activate buttons, select titles from lists, and move along a scroll bar. To use the mouse, position the cursor over the item you wish to select and click the left mouse button.
Clicking on a line of text in a title list selects the title. Double-clicking on a title in a list opens the article.
There are several ways to move through a window using a scroll bar. Click on the up or down scroll arrow to move through the text one line at a time. To move to the next or previous screen, click anywhere on the scroll bar below or above the scroll box, respectively. To move in larger amounts, click the left mouse button on the scroll box and drag it up or down the scroll bar, then release it at the point in the scroll bar relative to the point you want to see in the text.